
Dekorate supports generating tekton pipelines. Since Dekorate knows, how your project is build, packaged into containers and deployed, converting that knowledge into a pipeline comes natural.

When the tekton module is added to the project:


Two sets of resources will be generated, each representing a different configuration style the use user can choose from:

  • Pipeline based
    • tekton-pipeline.yml
    • tekton-pipeline-run.yml
    • tekton-pipeline.json
    • tekton-pipeline-run.json
  • Task based
    • tekton-task.yml
    • tekton-task-run.yml
    • tekton-task.json
    • tekton-task-run.json


This set of resources contains:

  • Pipeline
  • PipelineRun
  • Task (build, package and push, deploy)
  • RBAC resources

These are the building blocks of a Tekton pipeline that grabs your project from scm, builds and containerizes the project (in cluster) and finally deploys it.


This set of resources provides the some functionality as above, but everything is collapsed under a single task (for usability reasons), In detail it contains:

  • PipelineResource (git, output image)
  • Task
  • TaskRun
  • RBAC resources

Pipeline vs Task

If unsure which style to pickup, note that the task style has less configuration requirements and thus easier to begin with. The pipeline style is easier to slice and dice, once your are more comfortable with tekton.

Regardless of the choice, Dekorate provides a rich set of configuration options to make using tekton as easy as it gets.

Tekton Configuration

Git Resource

The generated tasks and pipelines, assume the project is under version control and more specifically git. So, in order to run the pipeline or the task a PipelineResource of type git is required. If the project is added to git, the resource will be generated for you. If for any reason the use of an external resource is preferred then it needs to be configured, like:

dekorate.tekton.external-git-pipeline-resource=<<the name of the resource goes here>>
Builder Image

Both the pipeline and the task based resources include steps that perform a build of the project. Dekorate, tries to identify a suitable builder image for the project. Selection is based on the build tool, jdk version, jdk flavor and build tool version (in that order). At the moment only maven and gradle are supported.

You can customize the build task by specifying:

  • custom builder image: dekorate.tekton.builder-image
  • custom build command: dekorate.tekton.builder-command
  • custom build arguments: dekorate.tekton.builder-arguments
Configuring a Workspace PVC

One of the main differences between the two styles of configuration, is that Pipelines require a PersistentVolumeClaim in order to share the workspace between Tasks. On the contrary when all steps are part of single bit fat Task (which is baked by a Pod) and EmptyDir volume will suffice.

Out of the box, for the pipeline style resources a PersistentVolumeClaim named after the application will be generated and used.

The generated pvc can be customized using the following properties:

  • dekorate.tekton.source-workspace-claim.size (defaults to 1Gi)
  • dekorate.tekton.source-workspace-claim.storage-class (defaults to standard)

The option to provide an existing pvc (by name) instead of generating one is also provided, using dekorate.tekton.source-workspace-claim.

Configuring the Docker registry for Tekton

The generated Pipeline / Task includes steps for building a container image and pushing it to a registry.

The registry can be configured using dekorate.docker.registry as is done for the rest of the resources.

For the push to succeed credentials for the registry are required. The user is able to:

  • Provide own Secret with registry credentials
  • Provide username and password
  • Upload local .docker/config.json

To provide an existing secret for the job (e.g. my-secret):


To provide username and password:


If none of the above is provided and a .docker/config.json exists, it can be used if explicitly requested:
