
@KubernetesApplication is a more specialized form of @Dekorate. It can be added to your project like:

import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.KubernetesApplication;

public class Main {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
      //Your application code goes here.

When the project gets compiled, the annotation will trigger the generation of a Deployment in both json and yml that will end up under ‘target/classes/META-INF/dekorate’.

The annotation comes with a lot of parameters, which can be used in order to customize the Deployment and/or trigger the generations of additional resources, like Service and Ingress.

Adding the kubernetes annotation processor to the classpath

This module can be added to the project using:


Name and Version

So where did the generated Deployment gets its name, docker image etc from?

Everything can be customized via annotation parameters, application configuration and system properties. On top of that, lightweight integration with build tools is provided in order to reduce duplication.

Note, that part-of, name and version are part of multiple annotations / configuration groups etc.

When a single application configuration is found and no explict image configuration value has been used for (group, name & version), values from the application configuration will be used.

For example:

public class Main {

In the example above, docker is configured with no explicit value on name. In this case that name from @KubernetesApplication(name="my-app") will be used.

The same applies when property configuration is used:


Note: Application configuration part-of corresponds to image configuration group.

Lightweight build tool integration

Lightweight integration with build tools, refers to reading information from the build tool config without bringing in the build tool itself into the classpath. The information read from the build tool is limited to:

  • name / artifactId
  • version
  • output file

For example in the case of maven it refers to parsing the pom.xml with DOM in order to fetch the artifactId and version.

Supported build tools:

  • maven
  • gradle
  • sbt
  • bazel

For all other build tools, the name and version need to be provided via application.properties:


or the core annotations:

@KubernetesApplication(name = "my-app", version="1.1.0.Final")
public class Main {


@OpenshiftApplication(name = "my-app", version="1.1.0.Final")
public class Main {

and so on…

The information read from the build tool, is added to all resources as labels (name, version). They are also used to name images, containers, deployments, services etc.

For example for a gradle app, with the following gradle.properties:

name = my-gradle-app
version = 1.0.0

The following deployment will be generated:

apiVersion: "apps/v1"
kind: "Deployment"
  name: "kubernetes-example"
  replicas: 1
      app.kubernetes.io/name: "my-gradle-app"
      app.kubernetes.io/version: "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
        app.kubernetes.io/name: "my-gradle-app"
        app.kubernetes.io/version: "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
      - env:
        - name: "KUBERNETES_NAMESPACE"
              fieldPath: "metadata.namespace"
        image: "default/my-gradle-app:1.0-SNAPSHOT"
        imagePullPolicy: "IfNotPresent"
        name: "my-gradle-app"

The output file name may be used in certain cases, to set the value of JAVA_APP_JAR an environment variable that points to the build jar.

Adding extra ports and exposing them as services

To add extra ports to the container, you can add one or more @Port into your @KubernetesApplication:

import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.Port;
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.KubernetesApplication;

@KubernetesApplication(ports = @Port(name = "web", containerPort = 8080))
public class Main {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    //Your code goes here

This will trigger the addition of a container port to the Deployment but also will trigger the generation of a Service resource.

Everything that can be defined using annotations, can also be defined using application.properties. To add a port using application.properties:


NOTE: This doesn’t need to be done explicitly, if the application framework is detected and support, ports can be extracted from there (see below).

IMPORTANT: When mixing annotations and application.properties the latter will always take precedence overriding values that defined using annotations. This allows users to define the configuration using annotations and externalize configuration to application.properties.

REMINDER: A complete reference on all the supported properties can be found in the configuration options guide.

Adding container environment variables

To add extra environment variables to the container, you can add one or more @EnvVar into your @KubernetesApplication :

import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.Env;
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.KubernetesApplication;

@KubernetesApplication(envVars = @Env(name = "key1", value = "var1"))
public class Main {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    //Your code goes here

Additional options are provided for adding environment variables from fields, config maps and secrets.

To add environment variables using application.properties:


Adding environment variables from ConfigMap

To add an environment variable that points to a ConfigMap property, you need to specify the configmap using the configmap property in the @Env annotation. The configmap key will be specified by the value property. So, in this case value has the meaning of value from key.

import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.Env;
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.KubernetesApplication;

@KubernetesApplication(envVars = @Env(name = "key1", configmap="my-config", value = "key1"))
public class Main {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    //Your code goes here

To add an environment variable referencing a config map using application.properties:


Adding environment variables from Secrets

To add an environment variable that points to a Secret property, you need to specify the configmap using the secret property in the @Env annotation. The secret key will be specified by the value property. So, in this case value has the meaning of value from key.

import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.Env;
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.KubernetesApplication;

@KubernetesApplication(envVars = @Env(name = "key1", secret="my-secret", value = "key1"))
public class Main {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    //Your code goes here

To add an environment variable referencing a secret using application.properties:


Working with volumes and mounts

To define volumes and mounts for your application, you can use something like:

import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.Mount;
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.PersistentVolumeClaimVolume;
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.KubernetesApplication;

@KubernetesApplication(pvcVolumes = @PersistentVolumeClaimVolume(volumeName = "mysql-volume", claimName = "mysql-pvc"),
  mounts = @Mount(name = "mysql-volume", path = "/var/lib/mysql")
public class Main {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    //Your code goes here

To define the same volume and mount via application.properties:


Currently, the supported annotations for specifying volumes are:

  • @PersistentVolumeClaimVolume
  • @SecretVolume
  • @ConfigMapVolume
  • @AwsElasticBlockStoreVolume
  • @AzureDiskVolume
  • @AzureFileVolume

Adding Kubernetes Jobs

To generate Kubernetes Jobs, you can define them either using the @KubernetesApplication annotation:

import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.Container;
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.Job;
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.KubernetesApplication;

@KubernetesApplication(jobs = @Job(name = "say-hello", containers = @Container(image = "docker.io/user/hello")))
public class Main {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    //Your code goes here

Or via configuration properties at the file application.properties:


Currently, the supported annotations for adding jobs are:

  • @KubernetesApplication
  • @OpenShiftApplication
  • @KnativeApplication

Adding Kubernetes CronJobs

To generate Kubernetes CronJobs, you can define them either using the @KubernetesApplication annotation:

@KubernetesApplication(cronJobs = @CronJob(name = "say-hello", schedule = "* * * * *", containers = @Container(image = "docker.io/user/hello")))
public class Main {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    //Your code goes here

Or via configuration properties at the file application.properties:

dekorate.kubernetes.cron-jobs[0].schedule=* * * * *
dekorate.kubernetes.cron-jobs[0].containers[0].image=docker.io/user/hello Dekorate CronJobs configuration follows the [Kubernetes CronJobs specification](https://kubernetes.io/docs/reference/kubernetes-api/workload-resources/cron-job-v1/#CronJobSpec). 

If the user doesn’t provide CronJob container image, the pod template image configuration will be used. Currently, the supported annotations for adding jobs are:

  • @KubernetesApplication
  • @OpenShiftApplication
  • @KnativeApplication

Vcs Options

Most of the generated resources contain the kubernetes recommended annotations for specifying things like:

  • vcs url
  • commit id

These are extracted from the project .git/config file (Currently only git is supported). Out of the box, the url of the origin remote will be used verbatim.

Specifying remote

In some cases users may prefer to use another remote. This can be done with the use of @VcsOptions annotation:

import io.dekorate.options.annotation.JvmOptions;
import io.dekorate.options.annotation.GarbageCollector;
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.KubernetesApplication;

public class Main {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    //Your code goes here

In the example above myfork will be used as the remote. So, generated resources will be annotated with the url of the myfork remote.

For users that prefer using application.properties:

Converting vcs urls to https

The vcs related annotations are mostly used by tools. For public repositories its often simpler for tools, to access the repository anonymous access. This is possible when using git over https, but not possible when using git over ssh. So, there are cases where users would rather develop using git+ssh but have 3d-party tools use https instead. To force dekorate covnert vcs urls to https one case use the httpsPreferred parameter of @VcsOptions. Or using properties:


Jvm Options

It’s common to pass the JVM options in the manifests using the JAVA_OPTS or JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable of the application container. This is something complex as it usually difficult to remember all options by heart and thus its error prone. The worst part is that you usually don’t realize the mistake until it’s TOO late.

Dekorate provides a way to manage those options using the @JvmOptions annotation, which is included in the options-annotations module.

import io.dekorate.options.annotation.JvmOptions;
import io.dekorate.options.annotation.GarbageCollector;
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.KubernetesApplication;

@JvmOptions(server=true, xmx=1024, preferIpv4Stack=true, gc=GarbageCollector.SerialGC)
public class Main {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    //Your code goes here

or via application.properties:


This module can be added to the project using:


Note: The module is included in all starters.