Spring Boot

With spring boot, we suggest you start with one of the provided starters:


Or if you are on OpenShift:

Automatic configuration

For Spring Boot application, dekorate will automatically detect known annotation and will align generated manifests accordingly.

Exposing services

Dekorate tunes the generated manifest based on the presence of web annotations in the project:

  • Automatic service expose
  • Application path detection

When known web annotations are available in the project, dekorate will automatically detect and expose the http port as a Service. That service will also be expose as an Ingress or Route (in case of Openshift) if the expose option is set to true.


An alternative way of configuration is via application properties:


An alternative way of configuration is via application properties:


There are cases where the Ingress or Route host needs to be customized. This is done using the host parametes either via annotation or property configuration.

@KubernetesApplication(expose=true, host="foo.bar.com")

An alternative way of configuration is via application properties:

@OpenshiftApplication(expose=true, host="foo.bar.com")

An alternative way of configuration is via application properties:


When one RequestMapping annotation is added on a Controller or multiple RequestMapping that share a common path are added on multiple Controller classes, dekorate will detect the shortest common path and configure it so that its available on the expose Ingress or Route.