
Setting up

Add the following dependency to your project:


Then add the @Dekorate annotation to one of your Java source files.

package org.acme;

import io.dekorate.annotation.Dekorate;

public class Application {

Note: It doesn’t have to be the Main class. Next time you perform a build, using something like:


mvn clean package

The generated manifests can be found under target/classes/META-INF/dekorate.

Configuration styles

The generated manifests can be customized either using annotations or configuration properties/yml.

Using annotations

The @OpenshiftApplication under io.dekorate.openshift.annotation is a @Dekorate alternative through which the user can specify all sorts of customization, For example to set the replicas to 2:

package org.acme;

import io.dekorate.openshift.annotation.OpenshiftApplication;

public class Application {

Using framework configuration

The same can be achieved using plain old configuration (


**A complete reference on all the supported properties can be found in the configuration options guide.

Adding Kubernetes Jobs

To generate Kubernetes Jobs, you can define them either using the @OpenshiftApplication annotation:

import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.Container;
import io.dekorate.kubernetes.annotation.Job;
import io.dekorate.openshift.annotation.OpenshiftApplication;

@OpenshiftApplication(jobs = @Job(name = "say-hello", containers = @Container(image = "")))
public class Main {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    //Your code goes here

Or via configuration properties at the file[0].name=say-hello[0].containers[0]

Currently, the supported annotations for adding jobs are:

  • @KubernetesApplication
  • @OpenShiftApplication
  • @KnativeApplication

Adding Kubernetes CronJobs

To generate Kubernetes CronJobs, you can define them either using the @OpenshiftApplication annotation:

@OpenshiftApplication(cronJobs = @CronJob(name = "say-hello", schedule = "* * * * *", containers = @Container(image = "")))
public class Main {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    //Your code goes here

Or via configuration properties at the file

dekorate.openshift.cron-jobs[0].schedule=* * * * *
dekorate.openshift.cron-jobs[0].containers[0] Dekorate CronJobs configuration follows the [Kubernetes CronJobs specification]( 

If the user doesn’t provide CronJob container image, the pod template image configuration will be used. Currently, the supported annotations for adding jobs are:

  • @KubernetesApplication
  • @OpenShiftApplication
  • @KnativeApplication